Five things to consider when designing your social media strategy

If you’ve been thinking about using social media more strategically for your business or nonprofit, but you aren’t sure where to start–don’t worry! You’re not alone.

Sharing content to build your brand awareness is good, but gaining new followers on social media is not the same as gaining high-quality followers who can help you achieve your goals.

Whether you work for a nonprofit organization or run your own business, the following questions can help you design your social media strategy and effectively leverage your digital platforms:

  1. Who are your target audiences and which social media channels are they active on?

  2. What are your goals for using social media?

  3. What actions do you want to consistently ask your audience to take?

  4. What outcomes do you expect to achieve by using social media?

  5. What areas of your work are important to highlight in your social media content so your audience can understand:

    1. What do you do?

    2. How do you do it?

    3. Why do you do it?

    4. Why should they care?!

Need help answering some of these questions for your organization?

Visit my Stan Store to book a 30-minute or 1-hour consultation with me!

Post last updated: 3/3/2023